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The Last Straw?

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Memorial Day means it’s the start of summer. And, summer means camping at the beach! Shoreline breezes wafting through your windows… The sound of seabirds and surf… And then there’s the feel of sand beneath your feet. It’s great when you are taking a long walk on the beach, but when you feel sand beneath your feet inside your RV it’s an entirely different story. Once it makes its way through that door way, you will find it everywhere. How the heck does it get there? Well, there are those trips to the fridge for cold beverages, a quick dash for sunscreen, and dodging back and forth between the galley and the campfire. And in our family, it’s not just humans but four-footed friends. Sand patrol with a broom and dust and becomes a two- or three-times-a-day chore. We have tried a lot of outdoor carpets over the years, but many of them are heavy and don’t dry easily. Last year we discovered these outdoor carpets made out of recycled drinking straws. Amazing! Lightweight. Easy to roll or fold. Waterproof. Easy drying. And they are great at trapping sand outside and keeping it there! When you are ready to take down camp, the sand and other debris shakes off easily. And, did I mention they look great? Placed under our RV awning, our beautifully colored and patterned woven carpets makes it look like home.

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